The Love Story of Henry & Carol

This short was an idea Eric had about making a film that spans a great deal of time, yet is a short film as well. It tells the story of a married couple are separated when the husband passed away. Only the husband stays around and haunts her until she dies and they are reunited again.

The location for this film was actually a Van Metre model home. Eric is a friend of the Owner’s son and was able to get us one to use for the weekend. The only caveat was that we had to stop what we were doing if any potential buyers wanted to walk through and see the house. Luckily, we were shooting the real estate off-season, so we didn’t have any foot traffic.

The shoot had its normal hiccups of any set, with a popped lamp and a couple issues with the camera. Aside from an issue with speed, all in all the shoot went fairly smoothly.  We had initially set up the shoot to be over two days, but as we got late into the night Saturday, we decided to just push through and shoot the entire thing without stopping.

Camera – HVX100

Credits – UPM, Producer

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Credits - Director, Producer, Executive Producer, Editor. Camera - Sony FS100 "Admins" was another film that was born out of...
